St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Archdiocese of Western Pa.
604 Colliers Way - Weirton, WV 26062

Welcome to Our Parish!

Welcome to the web page of our parish, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church of Weirton, West Virginia, a parish of the Orthodox Church in America. We invite you to explore these pages with the hope that you will become better acquainted with us and the Orthodox Church.

We invite you to "Come and See" the Ancient Christian Faith of Christ and His disciples. Our services are in English and we welcome inquirers and seekers who are looking for the "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" preserved from the time of Christ. We are commited to following the Great Commision Christ gave to His disciples of spreading the Gospel and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

We hope you enjoy your visit and we look forward to meeting you!


Upcoming Services

Saturday, February 15
10am Hall Work
6:30pm Great Vespers
Sunday, February 16
9am Teaching Proskemedia
9:30am Divine Liturgy
   -Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, February 19
6:30pm Daily Vespers
7pm Catechism
From Your House to Ours

Your Address:

Additional Information

St. Nicholas is located in Weirton, WV, which is west of Pittsburgh, PA.

From Pittsburgh, PA
Take Route 22 west into West Virginia to Exit 5, Colliers Way, make a left turn and travel half a mile. The church is on the right, directly across from Weirton Medical Center.

From Northern or Soutnern Points in Ohio
Take Route 7 N. (from southern areas) to Route 22 west and follow directions above.
Take Route 7 S. (from northern areas) to Route 22 west and follow directions above.




Ancient Faith Radio

Orthodoxy in America

Mailing Address
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
604 Colliers Way
Weirton, West Virginia 26062
Email and Phone
(304)723-3383 (Phone)